What Happens In This House Stays In This House
This podcast deals with real-life issues, it provides resources to families of diverse ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds seeking help for their loved one's holistic wellness. It is my mission to share my voice with the world and create change in the communities. Let's start the conversation and get rid of the myth "What Happens In This House Stays In This House."
What Happens In This House Stays In This House
Empowering Yourself: Stop Giving Your Power Away
Tammy Montgomery-Dozier
Season 1
Episode 45
When our lives go spinning out of control, it’s often the result of a loss of personal power. Losing touch with our hopes, courage, and confidence can go a long way in undermining our happiness. This occurs when we sacrifice pieces of ourselves in return for the validation of others. The only validation in the world that matters is our own. We are the only ones who have the ability to find value and worth in ourselves and our lives. Stop giving your personal power away to other people. Only you can take it back and reclaim it as your own.